
Was ist Verrat? (2010/2011)

Direkt zum Laboratorium

Was ist Verrat? / What is "Treason"?

(The German title "Was ist Verrat?" cannot be translated without loss. "Verrat" includes treason, treachery, perfidiousness betrayal, spilling secrets etc. Please read the English translation in reference to an all-encompassing word – like "Verrat".)

Treason must not fear revenge and must love great secrets, because to give away these will create supreme beauty and will require the highest degree of artfulness. But what if there are no more great secrets to betray as they all have been unveiled? A society shaped by such media of stored – clueless or cunning – treason apes governmental requirements to disclose, surveil and evaluate. This only leaves us to betray for betrayal´s sake as a final effort of criminal virtue! We have to choose insanity, the extreme violence of treason, the force of creation!

A capitalist order counts on people´s ebbing courage and sustains itself through the everyday, servile self-betrayal that has come to being perceived as a duty on par with the duty that "loyalty” becomes in any kind of dependency. Therefore – be daring! Risk breaking boundaries! Betray yourselves! Do not denounce the small mistakes, but betray your own betrayal! Hic rhodos, hic salta! Loveliness extreme.

Konzept: Andrea Sick, Claudia Reiche

Contributors: Andrea Sick, Anja Kümmel, Anna Bromley, Anne Metzen, Antje Seeger, Arvild Baud, Christine Ehardt, Christine Kriegerowski, Claudia Burbaum, Claudia Reiche, Dagmar Kase, Doro Carl, Elisabeth Lebovici, Ellen Nonnenmacher, Eugenia Gortchakova †, Gabriele Werner, Heike Walter, Helene von Oldenburg, Iris Minich, Janine Lancker, Jule Körperich, Julia Bonn, Kerstin Schroedinger, Malgorzata Zofia Kozlowska, Mona Schieren, Renate Wieser, Shirin Homann-Saadat, Sissy Boyz, Stefka Ammon, Susanne Lummerding, Torsten Flüh, U. Oudée Dünkelsbühler, Valeska Peschke, Verena Kuni, Xyramat, Z.Schmidt

Websites: Streaming

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