
COAPPARATION (2019-2022)

COAPPARATION? Cooperation is a process or behavior that can be regarded as essential for many things, ranging from culture and cultural politics to evolution, and vice-versa. Like an engine, it enables the stop and go of functional relationships, whose complex rhythms and intervals can in turn appear instrumental. In an apparition—another word for manifestation—perhaps? In that case COAPPARATION would be a little bit of COAPPARITION, because each instance of cooperation or each instance of its rejection comes down to common understanding, agreement, inquiry, hesitation, and action.

The zine with projects addressed to thealit or realised at thealit in the COAPPARATION program

  • Publication date: Juni 2022
  • Book launch: July 15, 2022
  • at Tor 40, Güterbahnhof Bremen

Konzept: Andrea Sick, Claudia Reiche

Contributors: Alexandra Tatar, Anngret Schultze, Birgit Bosold, Branka Čolić, Brigitte Helbling, Cassils, Claudia Reiche, D.O.C.H., Daria Sazanovich, Esther Adam, Farzad Golghasemi, Hanna Paniutsich aka xyana, Hannah Wolf, Irena Kukrić, Kate Andrews, Katharina Greeven, Konstanze Spät, Künstler*innen Kollektiv ELAF, Lisa Rein / Hysterical Pixel, Loren Britton, Maria Karpushina, Maryna Makarenko, Peter Rehberg, Yara Mekawei, YeLa An, Yuliya Tsviatkova, leer&gut

Re Capitulating. queer in capitalism (2024-2025)
The Art of Emergency (2022-2024)
COAPPARATION (2019-2022)
Debate! Performing Antagonisms. Part 2 EN/DE (2018/2019)
DEBATTERIE! Antagonismen aufführen (2016/2017)
Ordnung // Struktur (2014/2015)
>Schutzraum< << Politik >>> Ästhetik <<< Medien >> (2013)
quite queer (2011/2012)
Was ist Verrat? (2010/2011)
Streik Academy (2009)
Prototypisieren. Eine Messe für Theorie und Kunst (2008)
Trans-European Lab: do not exist: europe, woman, digital medium. (2006/2007)
Überdreht. Spin doctoring, Politik, Medien (2004/2005)
Virtual Minds. Congress of Fictitious Figures (2004)
Eingreifen. Viren, Modelle, Tricks (2003)
Technics of Cyber ‹ › Feminism. ‹mode=message› (2001)
Hand. Medium ¬ Körper ¬ Technik (2000/2002)
Serialität: Reihen und Netze (1999)
Tischsitten (1998)
Künstliches Leben:// Mediengeschichten (1997)
Fernerkundung. Aufzeichnungen und Entwürfe von Reisen (1996)
Ausdruckstechniken. Organisation des Innen (1995)
Maschinen. Künstliche Führungen zu Buch und Schrift (1994)
Konzept Art von Frauen. Künstliche Führungen (1993)