Ordnung // Struktur (2014/2015)

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  • „’Most people […] see order in everything’“ (1)
  • "„… an analysis […] is structural if (and only if) it can present content as a model.” (2)

Social order is kept under control and protected by keepers of order. Order is proclaimed in written form. In the case of violation, the script (usually) contains a list of sanctions that can be enforced in the occasion of violation. Orders are written down, and in consequence are generally seen as a way of understanding the world. Order structures societies. On the other hand, structures clarify conditions that are less precise. They, as well, mirror processes and habits, responsibilities and advantages as well as disadvantages within societies. However, they are not codified within the law and are not openly regulated by an apparatus pertaining to the state or other entities. The essence of order can be seen in its being fixed, its obviousness. Structures, on the other hand, may be assumed, they seem to contain a leeway for understanding and enforcement. There are those who would see this the other way around: orders allow for a leeway of understanding and debate, while structures are unconscious and indestructible.

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Aufgrund drastischer Kürzungen der öffentlichen Förderung des thealit war die Umsetzung des Ausstellungsteil im alten Finanzamt leider nicht möglich. Um dennoch einen gemeinsamen Präsentationsrahmen für diese Beiträge zu ermöglichen, wurde eine DIGITALE PLATTFORM erstellt.


Die audiobeiträge (des Radioprogramms) stehen online zum hören bereit.

Konzept: Z.Schmidt

Contributors: Alex Giegold, Andrea Sick, Anna Bromley, Anne Käthi Wehrli, Bettina Stehli, Bianca Holtschke, Charlotte Livine, Christine Lemke, Claudia Reiche, Daniela Wüstenberg, Doris Weinberger, Elianna Renner, Franziska Kabisch, Helene von Oldenburg, Ins A Kromminga, Jannik Franzen, Josch Hoenes, Justyna Giermakowska, Kathrin Sohn, Kea Wienand, Lene Markusen, Mano Idios Krach, Marion Denis, Michael Fesca, Noah Sow, Olga Sitner, Ragna Müller, Samya Boutros Mikhail, Sibylle Feucht, Stefanie Mallon, Tomka Weiß, Ulrike Paul, Vera*Simon Harder, dilettantin produktionsbüro

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