
The residency of Yeosulme Kang and Jaehwa Baek (also known as Sulme & Jae-Nder Fluid) starts on January 14th, they will be working on Gentrification and Queer-Immigrant Spaces at Arbeitszimmer thealit for the next weeks—loosely connected to their work at thealit 2022 (which is also where the picture here below comes from). They will focus on the disappearing and threatened spaces of queer immigrant communities in Bremen and elsewhere in Germany and across Europe. 

They describe they research question as follows: “We want to investigate how gentrification not only changes physical spaces, but also undermines the identity, history and social relationships that these communities have built. Through our work, we will examine how capitalist structres and gentrification disproportionately affect marginalized queer immigrant communities. Drawing on concepts such as homocapitalism and homonecronationalism, we plan to document instances where economically disadvantaged groups are displaced under the guise of urban redevelopment. Our research will attempt to show how these processes reinforce inequalities within the queer community and divide it into mainstream and marginalized groups.”

A “central aspect [...] the exploration of the interface between two identities: Migrant and queer”, which is being developed by the two of them in particular on the basis of a concept of spatiality. So far, a video installation in the study is planned, in which lost and threatened spaces of queer migrant communities will be artistically reconstructed and reinterpreted. 

We'll find out more soon!

OCTOBER 2024 - MARCH 2025

  • at Arbeitszimmer thealit
  • St. Jürgen Straße 157/159, Bremen

More about the projects on the new website:

Re Capitulating. queer

What it is all about? "To recapitulate means to repeat something in a structured way […]. A recapitulation ]…] concerns […] historical and political events, including predicted and planned futures - again, as if what is recapitulated in this way has always been and been in this order.

To capitulate means to admit defeat in various forms of war, in general, to submit one's will to that of the opponent in a conflict. Submission also to the interpretation of the conflict on the part of the victorious opponent goes hand in hand with capitulation, and that also means: with the opponent's recapitulation of the conflict.

At present […] before or during the outbreak of large-scale military conflicts on a global scale, irreconcilable recapitulations of history have been positioned, also in various narratives in and on capitalism. In and on queer movements and processes.

Which statements, procedures and tactics can be identified or invented historically and currently on the part of a 'queer' against the capitalist world order? Which assertions, explanations and practices of capitalist ideology need to be analyzed in relation to queer movements between identity and non-identity?

Again, and asked differently: How do 'queer' and capitalism intersect or connect? 

What could that mean: "queering capitalism"? […] How do queer and capitalism recapitulate (each other)? Has there been, is there or will there be capitulation(s)? What is to be traced or outlined here in a new recapitulation?"

Claudia Reiche, Andrea Sick


Unfortunately, we have to postpone the planned finissage presentation passed on, about things we have passed on from the ART OF EMERGENCY RESIDENCIES. Instead, we will find a way to make up for this in a slightly different form and at a different location and will invite you again soon. There are ideas, more on that soon ...

Feminist, fighter, cook, entrepreneur, who was a fixed star of friendship and will remain in our memory. 

Without her courageous heart and alert mind, there would be no Frauen.Kultur.Labor. thealit

What 'women' meant, was and could become was her question and a path she dreamed of far ahead...


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