
The last art residency of the 2024/25 season at Re Capitulating. queer will be about speaking (to each other), (not) understanding each other and the omnipresent processes of translation—between different languages, between drawing, writing and speaking.

From February 24, Dawoon Park and Seryun Yang will address these questions in their project 曰falin'downtha耳h門o口門les, and that means, from literal sense to the materiality of the letters, it will be about h門o口門les, the 'holes' into which meanings can—indeed must—fall, in the vastness of what is spoken and thought and under an 'untranslatable' title. Who is afraid of holes?

In the words of the two artists: "During the Re Capitulating.queer art residency and intermissions, two engage in conversations in Korean, their mother tongue, sharing and reflecting on their experiences with language. These dialogues are recorded, translated, and examined, unfolding through cycles of speaking and listening, expressing and receiving. In this process, meaning is both captured and lost, continuously shifting within the act of exchange.

Translation here is not merely the transfer of words but a process of re-capitulating—where meaning is not simply repeated, but actively restructured and reinterpreted, sometimes subverting, sometimes resisting the pull toward sameness that strips language of its particularity. Speech becomes text, text transforms into images, or takes on forms that were unimaginable. Meaning is constantly reconfigured yet never fully fixed. Reproduction is not a perfect replication but a fragmented trace—an incomplete record where language both appears and disappears.
This project explores translation as an ongoing negotiation between capture and failure, questioning how meaning is shaped, transformed, and inevitably altered through cycles of listening, speaking, and writing.

An Open Studio will provide insight into the project on Saturday, March 8 and Sunday, March 9, 12:00 - 18:00, at Arbeitszimmer thealit, St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159, Bremen. 

OCTOBER 2024 - MARCH 2025

  • at Arbeitszimmer thealit
  • St. Jürgen Straße 157/159, Bremen

More about the projects on the new website:

Re Capitulating. queer

What it is all about? "To recapitulate means to repeat something in a structured way […]. A recapitulation ]…] concerns […] historical and political events, including predicted and planned futures - again, as if what is recapitulated in this way has always been and been in this order.

To capitulate means to admit defeat in various forms of war, in general, to submit one's will to that of the opponent in a conflict. Submission also to the interpretation of the conflict on the part of the victorious opponent goes hand in hand with capitulation, and that also means: with the opponent's recapitulation of the conflict.

At present […] before or during the outbreak of large-scale military conflicts on a global scale, irreconcilable recapitulations of history have been positioned, also in various narratives in and on capitalism. In and on queer movements and processes.

Which statements, procedures and tactics can be identified or invented historically and currently on the part of a 'queer' against the capitalist world order? Which assertions, explanations and practices of capitalist ideology need to be analyzed in relation to queer movements between identity and non-identity?

Again, and asked differently: How do 'queer' and capitalism intersect or connect? 

What could that mean: "queering capitalism"? […] How do queer and capitalism recapitulate (each other)? Has there been, is there or will there be capitulation(s)? What is to be traced or outlined here in a new recapitulation?"

Claudia Reiche, Andrea Sick


Unfortunately, we have to postpone the planned finissage presentation passed on, about things we have passed on from the ART OF EMERGENCY RESIDENCIES. Instead, we will find a way to make up for this in a slightly different form and at a different location and will invite you again soon. There are ideas, more on that soon ...

Feminist, fighter, cook, entrepreneur, who was a fixed star of friendship and will remain in our memory. 

Without her courageous heart and alert mind, there would be no Frauen.Kultur.Labor. thealit

What 'women' meant, was and could become was her question and a path she dreamed of far ahead...


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