2024/2025: Re Capitulating. queer

  • at Arbeitszimmer thealit
  • St. Jürgen St. 157/159, Bremen
  • October 2024-March 2025

  • -> Go to the Webseite

  • SATURDAY, November 9th, 2024

  • 11:00-19:00 Uhr

Tsai, I-Chieh shows a minimalist presentation of her work during the residency in the Thealit workroom 🎧

Come by for a tea and a chat 🍵👄

We look forward to your visit!

Tsai, I-Chieh opens doors for you to present latest developments within her 小埃💞Iris and Shes📞 project. It is about audio documents of conversations with female workers in the loneliness economy, where clients usually pay female voice workers to create social proximity or its simulation, formatted and organized via an online platform. During her residency at thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor., Tsai, I-Chieh has been working on developing translations and audio installations from the recordings in Mandarin Chinese.

Visit the Open Studio with a minimalistic presentation of Tsai's work-in-progres son Saturday, November 9, from 11 am to 7 pm in Arbeitszimmer thealit, St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159, Bremen.

  • Saturday 23.11.
  • Workshop:
  • A net without gaps is merely a fabric

  • Sunday 24.11.
  • Workshop
  • first the tension is always shifting

  • November 26th & 27th
  • Open Studio

In the two workshops Eddie de Goër will offer to experiment with working on networks in order to explore together the relationship of the workshop participants to collectively created safety: “Where, how and to what extent do our relationships, networks and social structures (not) act as safety nets? Where do we experience networks as separating, where as connecting? What wishes and needs do we have for such networks, and (how) can they be mended and transformed?”

Do not miss: Eddie de Goër will be showing his* project of safety nets at the end of the residency at Arbeitszimmer thealit, St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159, Bremen, Tuesday, November 26 and Wednesday, November 27, 15:00-21:30. It will not only be about questioning the ubiquitous metaphor 'net', but also about experimenting with the generation, construction, knotting and creation of nets as an interactive practice. In this Open Studio, participants are invited to join in and take part in practical net work.

  • Please register by November 29 at: bwitch(at)gmx.de
  • Limited places!

  • 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
  • Witches' talk, A participatory evening around a witches’ cauldron Intermission

Things will get magically hot at the intermission by b/w*itch on Saturday, November 30 from 16:30-18:30 - in a consultation hour at thealit Arbeitszimmer, St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159, Bremen. Katze Greeven, Esther Adam, Anngret Schultze and Kattalin Newiger Mixtelena are part of the queerfeminist performance collective that operates at the intersection of sound, dance, performance, visual art and activism.

The witches write: “Gathered around a kettle of hot soup, snuggled up on a flokati and nourished, we ask ourselves: What do we, as FLINTAQ*s, need in these times? How can we care for each other, become mycelium for each other? We want to come together and cook together to unite. The witches' consultation is a mixture of caring get-together, playful, performative situation & political strategy discussion. Including a new edition of our zine *practical magic* (sharing collective caring practices in the spirit of the Creative Commons), which invites you to browse and exchange.”

And “We cook soup in vegan & gluten-free, speak German (English if needed). Please register with us by November 29: bwitch(at)gmx.de”

  • SAMSTAG, 7. Dezember
  • Open Studio
  • Texte, Filme, Lesung und Performance

Jasmin Hagendorfer lädt zum Kennenlernen und Austausch über dieses aktuelle und frühere Projekte ein.

In der Ausstellung wird das Arbeitszimmer ähnlich einem Palimpsest durchdrungen: Texte, Film, Lesung und Performance verweben sich zu einer vielschichtigen Erfahrung, die die Grenzen zwischen Kunstformen auflöst. Und aufgepasst, beim Betreten dieser Temporären Autonomen Zone (TAZ)!” Oder - wer wagt, gewinnt…

Unter dem Titel then and there \I/ ein blick in queere zeitlichkeiten haben die beiden jeweils etwa fünf Menschen eingeladen, auf das Thema mit einer Sache – einem Objekt – zu reagieren. Aus diesem Material und den Auseinandersetzungen damit entsteht ein Zine. Am Samstag gibt es aber erstmal eine Übersetzung dieses Materials im Raum und Gespräche mit den beiden.

On the last day of their residency, M. Pelin Sen and Emilia Sting invite you to visit Arbeitszimmer thealit: the flowers that weren't meant to be at St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159, Bremen this Sunday, January 12, from 4-7 pm. Come by and dedicate yourselves to some cracks in the familiar space and what artificial or queer or flower-like or completely different things can unfold in it. Because flowers that weren't meant to be is the place to be.

See, hear, touch! There is a snapshot of the current state of the project and - as the two say - “We have time, drinks and the space to exchange ideas, make contacts and discuss Queering Capitalism together. Whether you want to stay for a while or just drop by, we'd be delighted to see you.” Because: “Queerness has always been there. / In the cracks of societies. / In the spaces in between. / At the inconspicuous edges.”

What it is all about? "To recapitulate means to repeat something in a structured way […]. A recapitulation ]…] concerns […] historical and political events, including predicted and planned futures - again, as if what is recapitulated in this way has always been and been in this order.

To capitulate means to admit defeat in various forms of war, in general, to submit one's will to that of the opponent in a conflict. Submission also to the interpretation of the conflict on the part of the victorious opponent goes hand in hand with capitulation, and that also means: with the opponent's recapitulation of the conflict.

At present […] before or during the outbreak of large-scale military conflicts on a global scale, irreconcilable recapitulations of history have been positioned, also in various narratives in and on capitalism. In and on queer movements and processes.

Which statements, procedures and tactics can be identified or invented historically and currently on the part of a 'queer' against the capitalist world order? Which assertions, explanations and practices of capitalist ideology need to be analyzed in relation to queer movements between identity and non-identity?

Again, and asked differently: How do 'queer' and capitalism intersect or connect? 

What could that mean: "queering capitalism"? […] How do queer and capitalism recapitulate (each other)? Has there been, is there or will there be capitulation(s)? What is to be traced or outlined here in a new recapitulation?"

See you at Arbeitszimmer!

Claudia Reiche, Andrea Sick

OCTOBER 11th, 18th and 25th, 2024

en passant queer - (silent) movies (excerpts) 

This october, In preparation for the current positions on Re Capitulating. queer, the thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor. is showing various cinematic views of 'queer' avant la lettre in the showcase window of the Arbeitszimmer St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159 Bremen: In the era of silent films at the beginning of the 20th century, gender orders and audience desires, as well as medical, psychological and cultural discourse, politics and censorship regulations were different than they are today. What 'queer' would mean a century later did not yet exist. Or did it? Perhaps as an implied, que(e)r representation of action and narration?

What will be shown on several evenings after dark, through the windowpane of the study, from the sidewalk, excerpts from international silent films and short films, invites you to recapitulate queer en passant. Because, as we formulated for the upcoming theme: “To recapitulate means to repeat something in a structured way... A recapitulation concerns [...] historical and political events, including predicted and planned futures”.

Fri, 11.10., from 7:30 pm 

Hamlet, De 1921, director: Svend Gade, Heinz Schall, with Asta Nielsen

Compression/Reversion Hamlet. (2024) mit Material aus dem Film Hamlet von Claudia Reiche

Fr, 18.10., from 7:30 pm

Gesetze der Liebe, Aus der Mappe eines Sexualforschers, De 1927, director: Magnus Hirschfeld, Richard Oswald

Fr, 25.10., from 7:30

Short films

The Boy Detectiveor The Abductors Foiled, US 1908, director: Wallace Mc Cutcheon

Taming a Husband, US 1910, director: D. W. Griffith

Amour et Science, France 1912, director: M. J. Roche

2024/2025: Re Capitulating. queer
2023/2024: The Art of Emergency II
2022/2023: The Art of Emergency I
18.11.2022: Zu Gast: Heimat und Welt – Otthon és Világ,
2021/2022: COAPPARATION (Teil 3) Atelierstipendien
2020/2021: COAPPARATION (Teil 2) Atelierstipendien
Februar bis Mai 2020: Programm im Rahmen von Fluidity
2019/2020: COAPPARATION (Teil 1)
2018/2019: Debate! Performing Antagonisms - Part 2
2016/2017: DEBATTERIE! Antagonismen aufführen - Teil 1
Lesung Queer Story 27.01.2016
The Wildes - A Victorian Salon, 7.10.2015
Buchpräsentation ***quite queer*** 16.12.2014
Vortrag: Vom 'Freudenmädchen' zur 'Sexarbeit' - 02. Juni 2014
Lesung Queer Strory 28.11.2013
>Schutzraum< Lesegruppe - Juni-September 2013
Archival Activism: Zanele Muholi & Dagmar Schultz in dialogue, 22.01.2013
Lesung: Träume Digitaler Schläfer, Do. 10.05.2012
quite queer Lesegruppe, Juni 2011-September 2012
Szenische Lesung, 03.03.2011
Forschungsprojekte: Was ist Verrat?, 10.2010-01.2011
Lesegruppe "Was ist Verrat?" April 2010-Januar 2011
Buchpräsentation: Nervenkostüme, 20.02.2010
MARS PATENT - space for free, 04.12.2009-12.02.2010
Streikladen, 15.06.-20.07.2009