The Wildes - A Victorian Salon, 7.10.2015

in englischer Sprache

A Cooperation with

Keren Ida Nathan & Antonia Baehr

The Wildes, a.k.a. Keren Ida Nathan & Antonia Baehr, invite the audience to a salon in the spaces of thealit. Henry and Ida Wilde present episodes from their private life, and thealit revives the tradition of the salon. The guests are awaited by an exhibition and a book with Victorian-style illustrations, by songs, texts and animated images, light refreshments and even lighter entertainment, as well as the story of the unconsummated marriage of Ida and Henry Wilde. Please dare to come dressed in your finery! (Otherwise do come as you are!)

Venue: thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor
Im Krummen Arm 1
28203 Bremen

(The recording of Ida's lecture-storytelling was lovingly prepared by Tom Engles for More Than One Tie (Antonia Baehr) /Oral site; Concept & Editor: Tom Engels / Co-editor: Tessa Theisen / Advisor: Myriam Van Imschoot / Producer: Sarma / Co-production: Workspace Brussels and Beursschouwburg Brussels / Supported by: MotionBank/The Forsythe Company (Frankfurt am Main)

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