Herausgeberin(nen): Claudia Reiche, Andrea Sick
Autorin(nen): Jasmina Al-Qaisi, Carla Anacker, Kate Andrews, Marcela Antipán Olate, Gili Ben-Zvi & Christine Kriegerowski, Sophia Bizer, Brigitte Boomgaarden aka Moni Lang, Qianxun Chen & Ayşegül Seyhan, Claudia Christoffel, Branka Čolić, D.O.C.H., Künstler*innen Kollektiv ELAF, Martina Ernst, Elburuz Fidan & Ariane Litmeyer, Brigitte Helbling, Vivian Hernández Ramírez, Jiyoon Hyun, Elina Karimova, Maria Karpushina, Tomma Köhler, Irena Kukrić, Rebecca A. Layton, leer&gut, Lena Violetta Leitner, Yara Mekawei & Farzad Golghasemi, Wiebke Mertens & Anne Moder, Camilla Metelka, Ines Brost & Ruth Wulffen, Hanna Paniutsich aka xyana, Julija Paškevičiūtė, Sabine Peter, Paule Potulski, Dagmar Rauwald, Claudia Reiche, Lisa Rein / Hysterical Pixel, Vicc Repasi, Liudmila Savelyeva, Daria Sazanovich, Anngret Schultze, M. Pelin Sen, Konstanze Spät, Yuliya Tsviatkova, Giulia Valenti, Katja Windau, beate maria wörz, Eva Zulauf
Related Lab(s): COAPPARATION (2019-2022)
The zine "COAPPARATION, I, II, II" presents projects addressed to thealit or realized at thealit in the COAPPARATION program 2019-2022.
Whether intentions, concepts, results, whether documents or associations were taken for project representation was optional.
The artists were invited to work on the theme COAPPARATION* or to react to it – in the broadest sense.
We are Ppleased that two of Thealit's publications (COAPPARATION and QUITE QUEER) were also ON DISPLAY at the exhibition.
Photo by Henning Rogge
Photo by Henning Rogge
The show includes 400 works dating from 1870 to the present day and shows the wide range of media, styles, discourses, and contexts feminist graphic design has been part of, from film, theater and political posters, magazine and book covers, flyers, advertisements, and type design to historical ornamental engravings.
The exhibition, curated by Julia Meer, displays a variety of bold and inspiring works created by female designers over the past 150 years and develops new perspectives for the future.
DEBATTERIE! Antagonismen aufführen
quite queer
Was ist Verrat?
Prototypisieren. Eine Messe für Theorie und Kunst
do not exist: europe, woman, digital medium
Überdreht. Spin doctoring, Politik, Medien
Überdreht. Spin doctoring, Politik, Medien - DVD
Virtual Minds. Congress of Fictitious Figures
Eingreifen. Viren, Modelle, Tricks
Technics of Cyber ‹ › Feminism. ‹mode=message›
Hand. Medium ¬ Körper ¬ Technik
Serialität. Reihen und Netze - CDROM
Überschriften. Aus Bildern und Büchern