2020/2021: COAPPARATION (Teil 2) Atelierstipendien

We are offering a four-week-long studio residency in the thealit workroom* (St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159, Bremen) to six different female artists.

The artists will be invited to work with or react to the theme of COAPPARATION, in the broadest sense.

To publicize the works—which is not obligatory—the large window of the workroom (the shop space) can be used, as can the thealit website and other digital publication channels. It would also be possible to take over the Thealit Instagram account.

Alle Studio Grant holders:


  • 6 September - 4 October 2020

  • 01.-03.10.2020
  • Exchange drawings for a donation!

  • Daria Sazanovich, the first fellow of the Coapparation program in the 'Arbeitszimmer' studio of thealit, calls for solidarity with the protests in Belarus!
  • To support the Belarusian democracy movement, she donates the drawings and paintings that were created during her stay at thealit.

  • The artist offers her works for donations (starting from 20 €) for the cause of the protest movement. The proceeds are to be passed on in full via private networks to those who are struggling with the effects of their participation in the protest.

  • Come by - have a look - donate!
  • 11 am - 7 pm (or by arrangement: sheeborshee@gmail.com)
  • Some works by Daria Sazanovich can also be seen on the Coapparation website, part 2, as examples.
  • Accessibility:
  • Please note that there is no barrier-free access to the Workroom. But a small ramp can be added if required. Please ask for it in advance. Door width 85 cm. There is no wheelchair accessible toilet in the room.


On 24th of October at 19:00 (Berlin time) we invite you to participate in a virtual excursion around the Minsk High Technology Park, which was previously a place with abandoned buildings where illegal concerts and parties were held.

We will look at the history and modern incarnation of this place and through it try to make a deep dive together into Minsk's atmosphere.

Afterwards, XYANA will hold a live interview with Uladzimir R. He was part of the Minsk punk scene starting from 2010, and is familiar with the area of the High Technology Park in both its abandoned state and as it is now. He currently works as a programmer in Berlin.

It will be possible to ask questions to both XYANA and Uladzimir R. via chat on Twitch

  • 4.11.2020
  • punkstaypunk
  • 24 hour exhibition

  • OUTSIDE!!!
  • @ Arbeitszimmer thealit
  • St. Jürgen-Straße 157/159 Bremen

On Wednesday, November 4, passing by the window of thealits Arbeitszimmer St.-Jürgen-Str. 157-159 is very recommended. Even under the current strict Corona security measures, you can (with due distancing to other flaneurs) take a close look through the panes of glass on an installation. Duration: 24 hours.

thealit's current studio guest ХУАНА | XYANA concludes her four weeks of working on her project "FROM PUNK TO PROGRAMMER" with the staging of an abandoned squat and a presentation of pictures from the Belarusian punk movement in the windows. (Photos and Risographs)


  • 7 November - 5 December 2020
  • Branka Čolić

  • Transparent studio
  • 10.+11.Nov.
  • 17.+18.Nov.
  • 24.+25.Nov.
  • 01.+02.Dec.

Art production in there becomes performative object, space becomes stage for art production. Processes of work become object and object becomes part of the process. The course of the artistic production takes place on site and becomes transparent to the outside." Transparency is meant literally too: you can watch how Branka Čolić proceeds, glancing through the window frontage of the studio and via webcam.


  • Sat 14.11.
  • Live Performance
  • _

  • Sa.28. 11. // 20:30
  • Live Performance
  • Mono Toni aka Branka Čolić

  • Photo by @ichichichdotcom

  • Mono Toni ist Musik. Ist Performance. Ist Techno. Tanzt. Psychedelt. Poetriert. Im wunderbaren Nirwana zwischen Pop und „richtiger“ Kunst. Souverän in ihrer Unsicherheit. Charmant bei aller Siegesgewissheit. Mono Toni ist eine Insel auf dem Festland.
  • _

04.12. / 17:30 Uhr 

  • Finissage Live
  • Branka Čolić: a room of one’s own

  • we invite to visit the online finissage of "a room of one's own" by Branka Čolić with a reading of texts that have been written during the 4 weeks of her studio grant in thealit's Arbeitszimmer.

The works in this issue were created as part of the studio scholarship in the study


  • 9. 12. 2020 - 15. 01. 2021
  • Konstanze Spät
  • Scenes of Oscillation
  • 06.01.
  • 8 pm

On Wednesday we are invited to listen to Konstanze Spät's live interaction with sounds from thealit's Arbeitszimmer on a sound piece of SCENES OF OSCILLATION, adressing a zone that oscillates between seemingly tangible verbal communication and not so tangible affect. Here, content relies on sound: „The scenery of sound is built up through different universes of language (Russian, German, English) and those bodily entities, with whom I interact through my project (styrofoam, adhesive tape, glass, seeds and stems of fruits),” Konstanze Spät notes.

Now, listen carefully! to the textual parts too. Much of this has been written since December, during Konstanze Spät's studio grant.

Tune in here -> https://www.mixcloud.com/live/kxtanz/


  • 07.01.  
  • 20:00 Uhr 
  • body-knowledges, diaspora and the invisible

Konstanze Spät talks with jee chan, an artist, dancer and choreographer from Singapore/Berlin. jee chan's approach aims at "that which is always already there (big and true, just beneath the surface)" in sedimented histories of (post)colonial power. Experiences of flight and forced displacements inscribed in diasporic bodies are central, as lived through by jee chan's grandmother who had been fleeing from the japanese invasion to Singapore. jee chan uses public interventions, video installations, noise-concerts, sculptures, photography, texts, performances and more.

Tune in here -> https://www.mixcloud.com/live/kxtanz/


  • 13.01.  20:00 Uhr 
  • a conversation on scenes of o - autotopography, the migrant body and memory

Konstanze Spät gets in conversation with Alexandra Tatar. (We heard about her already in some newsletters, as Alexandra Tatar too is granted in thealit's COAPPARATION program.) This artist from Romania, living and working in Vienna, is interested in processes of „becoming” of human and nonhuman subjects, like Romanian 'guest workers' generated by treaties between the Socialist Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in the 70s. Can personal stories and narratives of migration further structural insights?.

Tune in here -> https://www.mixcloud.com/live/kxtanz/


  • 14.01.  20:00 Uhr 
  • colonial heritage of the russian empire, decolonialisation and solidarity

Aizda Arystanbek is guest at Konstanze Spät's podcast of dialogues. Aizda Arystanbek works on gender-based violence and nationalism and for a decolonization of academia: in short for overthrowing patriarchal structures. She explains: „Borat profits from Kazakhstan's name, we don't.” Obviously the intersectional feminist from Kazakhstan doesn't belong to those appreciating the satire of "Borat" films by Sacha Baron Cohen as antipatriarchal unmasking of the USA – as it depends on how you do it. How to oppose the everyday violence of nonrepresentation, of symbolic erasure? "As a feminist scholar I do want to have my own country, my own ground in the ever-expanding sea of feminist thought."

Tune in here -> https://www.mixcloud.com/live/kxtanz/


  • 15.01. 20:00 Uhr 

Konstanze Spät repeats the starting point of her audio program for all those who want more and again and all of it: again she presents a live performance of her SCENES OF OSCILLATION, closing her time at thealit's Arbeitszimmer.


Kate Andrews plant vor allem im Bereich der Zeichnung und Graphik zu arbeiten und die Beziehung zu untersuchen, die Medien wie Graphit, Papier und Collage zu ihrer Umgebung haben, sowie den Einfluss, den ein ständig schwankender Kontext auf die Form hat, die die Zeichnungen annehmen. Es wird eine formbare, flexible Installation entstehen, in der Zeichnungen und collagierte Elemente auf die sich verändernde Umgebung, in der sie sich befinden, reagieren; es entsteht eine Koexistenz und Interdependenz zwischen Objekt und Träger. In einer Reihe von bewussten und reaktiven Schritten antwortet Kate Andrews darauf.

Sie fragt nach der Rolle von Geschwindigkeit in medial geprägter Wahrnehmung und im Umgang mit Gegenwärtigem: „Here is where I understand the term ‘coapparation’ coming into play, as it deals with the way in which we, as a collective, understand ourselves and one another at a moment where very little time is dedicated to considering the detail or nuance of communication.”

  • Read more: In Regard to Uncertainty

  • The Karin Hollweg Prize 2020 goes to Kate Andrews. 
  • Congratulations!
  • Kate Andrews, To be Decided (Detail), 2020, Foto: Aleksandra Weber


"on horizons" – such the project's title of the current studio grant from thealit's COAPPARATION, starting on Thursday, February 11 – March 11 for the artists' duo leer&gut, aka Esther Adam and Katharina M. Greeven. They note: "The horizon – a line that separates the sky from the earth. This becomes the metaphorical setting for an investigation into appearance and disappearance. Your (own) horizon is always a question of position and perspective." And they put, no sooner said than done, a beautiful horizon in between the words: 


leer&gut are a multi-tool, researchers and material-hungry. Two, morphing – sometimes disappearing into each other, sometimes appearing separately. They work with the questioning of cultural gestures, displacement, and the shifting and restaging of everyday objects and movements. In their genre-spanning works, they negotiate themes such as (in)visibility, power structures, corporeality, and vulnerabilities.

  • sleep over / über nachten
  • From 6 to 7 March 2021
  • from 10:00pm-10:00 am

  • During their "on horizons" project – within thealit's COAPPARATION program, Esther Adam and Katharina M. Greeven, actually leer&gut, invite us to get together at a distance. 'Us' is limited here to 12 persons maximum: first come, first serve!
  • Psst: The medium is the pajama party! 

  • "sleep over / über nachten
  • From March 6 to 7, 2021. from 10:00pm-10:00 am.

  • Questions and registration please until March 4th by mail via leerundgut@posteo.de.
  • You will receive a confirmation email with further information and a link. Unfortunately the number of participants is limited to 12 people. We will speak German and English spoken language.

Questions and registration please until March 4th by mail via leerundgut@posteo.de.

You will receive a confirmation email with further information and a link. Unfortunately the number of participants is limited to 12 people. We will speak German and English spoken language.

Are you thinking about the night?

I get less text messages at night.

We should bring each other to bed.

Do you think about rituals?

No about a feeling of security.

I think about reading aloud.

Did you fall asleep? leer&gut invites you to a pack sleep, to an online pajama party. Together we want to slip into sleep and wake up.

Falling asleep, slipping out of wakefulness. Waking up, reappearing every day anew.

Questioning and examining the intimacy of sleep. Come with(out) make up, in your favorite pajamas. Bring a toothbrush, a book from which you maybe would like to read. 

In the evening: lecture, reading aloud, sighing and yawning

In the morning: waking up, morning pages, brushing teeth

The Project by Yara Mekawei in dialogue with Farzad Golghasemi captures photos, compositions and texts on a total of 9 Bremen architectures.

Speicher XI, Bunker Valentin, Kaffee HAG Gebäude, Bunker Hornisse, Rolandmühle, Getreideverkehrsanlage („der Koloss”), Schuppen Eins, Feuerwache 5, and Staatsarchiv Bremen.

To be heard and seen on the Project Website -> Listen to my Postcard

Sound is everywhere, that it is like air, but rather that it is more diffuse, and deeper impact, that air has a sound, and the sound is alive to die, never-ending, that the sound never silences. Over the years, the relationship and analogy between music/sound art/sound design and architecture have been explored in several aspects. In the same way, architecture works over the solid materials, visual spaces, geometry, abstract realities, or social contexts, it does over the aural realities, the sonic dimension. When it comes to space, sound can be valued in an architectural process, just as architecture is also sonic.

  • *********

  • Note:
  • The program in thealit Workroom (Arbeitszimmer at St.-Jürgen-Str. 157/159) will continue in September 2021 as far as the applicable corona rules allow at that time. 

  • For the time being, only online events will take place - dates and further information can be found in the CALENDER or in the VIRTUAL ARBEITSZIMMER.

  • Current information and news also at INSTAGRAM

*COAPPARATION? Cooperation is a process or behavior that can be regarded as essential for many things, ranging from culture and cultural politics to evolution, and vice-versa. Like an engine, it enables the stop and go of functional relationships, whose complex rhythms and intervals can in turn appear instrumental. In an apparition—another word for manifestation—perhaps? In that case COAPPARATION would be a little bit of COAPPARITION, because each instance of cooperation or each instance of its rejection comes down to common understanding, agreement, inquiry, hesitation, and action.


Part 3 of the COAPPARATION project will take place in autumn 2021. A series of events featuring diverse artists, scientists, and activists will be held, to the extent that health precautions at the time allow for events to be presented in small spaces. Otherwise, this format will also be adjusted, and more work will be done outdoors and with the window, in addition to the general digital presentations.

2024/2025: Re Capitulating. queer in capitalism
2023/2024: The Art of Emergency II
2022/2023: The Art of Emergency I
18.11.2022: Zu Gast: Heimat und Welt – Otthon és Világ,
2021/2022: COAPPARATION (Teil 3) Atelierstipendien
2020/2021: COAPPARATION (Teil 2) Atelierstipendien
Februar bis Mai 2020: Programm im Rahmen von Fluidity
2019/2020: COAPPARATION (Teil 1)
2018/2019: Debate! Performing Antagonisms - Part 2
2016/2017: DEBATTERIE! Antagonismen aufführen - Teil 1
Lesung Queer Story 27.01.2016
The Wildes - A Victorian Salon, 7.10.2015
Buchpräsentation ***quite queer*** 16.12.2014
Vortrag: Vom 'Freudenmädchen' zur 'Sexarbeit' - 02. Juni 2014
Lesung Queer Strory 28.11.2013
>Schutzraum< Lesegruppe - Juni-September 2013
Archival Activism: Zanele Muholi & Dagmar Schultz in dialogue, 22.01.2013
Lesung: Träume Digitaler Schläfer, Do. 10.05.2012
quite queer Lesegruppe, Juni 2011-September 2012
Szenische Lesung, 03.03.2011
Forschungsprojekte: Was ist Verrat?, 10.2010-01.2011
Lesegruppe "Was ist Verrat?" April 2010-Januar 2011
Buchpräsentation: Nervenkostüme, 20.02.2010
MARS PATENT - space for free, 04.12.2009-12.02.2010
Streikladen, 15.06.-20.07.2009