Katja Windau

  • Katja Windau, born in Cuxhaven in 1972, lives and works in Hamburg. From 2001 to 2008 she studied art in Wiebke Siem's sculpture class at the HFBK Hamburg. Since graduating, she has taken part in numerous exhibitions in Germany and abroad and works as a curator in project spaces in Hamburg. The artist focuses her particular interest on social contexts in which structures shaped by power apparatuses or sexualized structures are revealed. In her work she uses different media such as sculpture, installation and performance and likes to move between the genre boundaries. The materials she uses are versatile and combined in an inventive way. Katja Windau finds inspiration in literary sources and in current events, which are also incorporated into the work as quotations (e.g. through audio or video). She pays attention to sustainability and prefers to use materials of natural origin such as sheep's wool or recycled raw materials such as papier-mâché in her sculptural works.

  • www.katjawindau.de

Related Publication(s): COAPPARATION I, II, III