Call: Re Capitulating. queer in capitalism


St. Jürgen Straße 157/159, Bremen

To recapitulate means to repeat something in a structured way, to organize point by point what may previously have been perceived as less or differently ordered and structured. A recapitulation not only concerns content and turning points of written and oral statements, but also historical and political events, including predicted and planned futures - again, as if what is recapitulated in this way has always been and been in this order. 

Again, and asked differently: How do 'queer' and capitalism intersect or connect? What could that mean: "queering capitalism"? Queering here focuses on performative processes that thwart the gender order and its intersectional entanglements and at the same time develops queer(ing) as a theory and process of resistant knowledge production. It uncovers the normalization effects inherent in capitalism, presents them – recapitulates them. Even where active non-rememberance, forgetting and repression take place. So, how do queer and capitalism recapitulate (each other)? Has there been, is there or will there be capitulation(s)? What is to be traced or outlined here in a new recapitulation? 

Artistic and theoretical projects are invited to the Arbeitszimmer thealit in Bremen: applications for residencies of several weeks, with or without a public presentation of the project work, as well as for short intermissions – presentations, performances, exhibitions and more – between the residencies.

We look forward to receiving submissions with project proposals. These can be raw, spontaneous and unfinished. Please send them together with a concise portfolio and CV to thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor. by September 1. We also welcome submissions from duos or groups. We will provide most of the technical equipment for the project's presentations and needs. There is a materials allowance (maximum 200 euros) and a symbolic fee for the residencies and intermissions. We also provide support with travel costs if necessary. We also provide support with travel costs if necessary. We are happy to help you find accommodation, but unfortunately cannot provide you with a study. We curators are available for project discussions if required. Thealit also publishes the relevant works, projects and events on the website, in social media, in the newsletter, etc.

Please send to Lola Castro with details of preferred dates and exclusion dates: lola.castro(at)

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Claudia Reiche, Andrea Sick