
Andrea Sick & Claudia Reiche

Andrea Sick

Andrea Sick is Professor of Media and Cultural History and Theory and the Head of the Binational Artistic PhD Program at the University of the Arts Bremen.

Sick’s main focal points in her work and research are the relationship between technological media and cultural (artistic) production; transitions in art, biology and information-technology discourses; interfaces between scientific and cultural activities; and the history and theory of performance art, artistic research and queer studies.

Recent research projects include: The Dynamic Archive, 2018–ongoing., Salon Digital: Reenactments in Art, Design, Theory, and Technology, with Prof. Ralf Baecker and Prof. Dennis Paul. 2016–ongoing., and Writing manifestos since 2018 onging:

Since 1993 she is curator of thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor.
Last Projects: Coapparation: Performances, Artist in Residences, Lectures, with Claudia Reiche, thealit Bremen. 2019-2022, The Art of Emergency, with Claudia Reiche, thealit Bremen 2022-2024

Claudia Reiche

Dr. phil, is a media theorist, artist and curator. She works on cultures of the digital and their epistemological, aesthetic and political effects and is involved in projects such as thealit Frauen.Kultur.Labor. Bremen She has been teaching in the field of media theory and art for many years, currently at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. Numerous works on mediality in fields of psychoanalysis, film, image cultures.

PASSED ON, about things passed on from the ART OF EMERGENCY RESIDENCIES


In two years of The Art of Emergency program, 20 participants, the artists in residence, have left objects from the context of their respective work at the  Arbeitszimmer thealit, for the following residency. The aim was to modify the objects found objects, if possible, with a reference to 'Emergency' and to leave behind a new object themselves. An exhibition of these objects forms the conclusion of the program.

With objects by: Paule Potulski, Ariane Litmeyer, Jana Piotrowski, Maria Arzt, Ana Patiño, Dorsa Eidizadeh, Vicc Repasi, Vivian Hernández Ramírez, Víctor Artiga Rodríguez, Müge Pelin Sen, Karolina Koßmann, Clara Alisch, Elizaveta Kovalenko, Guida Ribeiro, Mari Lena Rapprich, Florian Witt, Anja Fußbach, Susanne Katharina Willand and Carla Anacker, Julia Höft, Emilia Sting.

Claudia Reiche and Andrea Sick will comment on these objects and place them in new contexts in a finissage presentation.

March 12

Will be postponed


about things passed on from the ART OF EMERGENCY RESIDENCIES



Unfortunately, we have to postpone the upcoming event - the conclusion of our program THE ART OF EMERGENCY. The planned finissage presentation passed on, about things we have passed on from the ART OF EMERGENCY RESIDENCIES, will not take place on March 12. Instead, we will find a way to make up for this in a slightly different form and at a different location and will invite you again soon. There are ideas, more on that soon ...