Lisa Rein a.k.a. Hysterical Pixel is an artist-researcher-designer based in Berlin. Their work ponders questions of digital media infrastructures, codes, languages, and emancipatory practices. They graduated from Aalto University, Helsinki’s department of New Media, with a minor in Visual Culture, Curating and Contemporary Art in 2021. Their Master’s Thesis, Dirty Computers — On the Sociocultural Implications of the Computational investigates the diverse histories of computers, the internet and the digital, and maps out ten metaphors that describe the paradigmatic features of current digital landscapes. LR teaches at the University of Applied Science (HTW), Berlin, and will start teaching at University of the Arts Bremen in April 2022. They are a member of collectives such as FemMusic and faces and contribute in different ways to digital feminist practices.
Recent projects:
2021 research assistant at Tirana Art Lab (with Aalto University Helsinki)
2020 participation in C& — Center of Unfinished Business (transmediale 2020).
2020 Strange Things, UdK group show at Silent Green Berlin