Price: 10,00 EUR
To order at thealit
and also in bookshops.
104 pages in 4color digital print.
German and english contributions.
thealit Bremen, June 2022
Ed: Claudia Reiche, Andrea Sick
Design: authors, Andrea Dilzer

ISBN 978-3-930924-24-0
The COAPPARATION I, II, III zine The zine "COAPPARATION, I, II, II" presents projects addressed to thealit or realized at thealit in the COAPPARATION program 2019-2022.
Whether intentions, concepts, results, whether documents or associations were taken for project representation was optional. The artists were invited to work on the theme COAPPARATION* or to react to it – in the broadest sense.
© by the authors:
Jasmina Al-Qaisi, Carla Anacker, Kate Andrews, Marcela Antipán Olate, Gili Ben-Zvi & Christine Kriegerowski, Sophia Bizer, Brigitte Boomgaarden aka Moni Lang, Qianxun Chen & Ayşegül Seyhan, Claudia Christoffel, Branka Čolić, D.O.C.H. (Katharina Dacrés, Julia Dambuk, Karin Demuth, Carolin Klapp & Lucia Mendelova), Künstler*innen Kollektiv ELAF, Martina Ernst, Elburuz Fidan & Ariane Litmeyer, Brigitte Helbling, Vivian Hernández Ramírez, Jiyoon Hyun, Elina Karimova, Maria Karpushina,Tomma Köhler, Irena Kukrić, Rebecca A. Layton, leer&gut, Lena Violetta Leitner, Yara Mekawei & Farzad Golghasemi, Wiebke Mertens & Anne Moder, Camilla Metelka, Ines Brost & Ruth Wulffen, Hanna Paniutsich aka xyana, Julija Paškevičiūtė, Sabine Peter, Paule Potulski, Dagmar Rauwald, Claudia Reiche,Lisa Rein / Hysterical Pixel, Vicc Repasi, Liudmila Savelyeva, Daria Sazanovich, Anngret Schultze, Müge Pelin Sen, Konstanze Spät, Yuliya Tsviatkova, Giulia Valenti, Katja Windau, beate maria wörz, Eva Zulauf
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