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Anngret Schultze

Anngret Schultze (1992) studied Cultural Studies and Digital Media (B.A.), as well as Performance Studies (M.A.). Her artistic research moves between performance and installation and is dedicated to resistant potentials of the body. Decolonial unlearning, queerness, critical softness and questions of care are starting points for aesthetic listening and forming.


Body_Text_Sensuousness. A digital contact zone. Performative research on the relationship between text, body, sensuality.

Dear Body,

Are you fact or are you fiction?

Is your movement text?

Is there something only you know?

Text. Texture. Discourse. Structure. Power. Body. Embodiment. Knowledge. The work Body_Text_Sensuousness - A Digital Contact Zone is an exploration of questions about the self, subjectivity, and identity. What shapes me? Social structure? Embodied existence?
In cooperation with the dancers Franca Burandt, Gabriel Obergfell and Ton Bogataj, improvised movement sequences are created. Dialogical moments between text and body, in which the Western traditional dichotomy between body and ratio becomes obsolete. Instead, poetic interstices and superimpositions open up.

At the end of her working residency, Anngret Schultze shows the first results of her artistic research. Her project Body_Text_Sensuousness - A Digital Contact Zone will be shown in parallel media zones:

  1. On the window front of thealit Arbeitszimmer as a multilayered, spatially staggered video projection.
    On view from Monday, December 20, Tuesday 21 and Wednesday 22, each from 16:30 - 21:00
    St.-Jürgen-Str. 157, Bremen.
  2. Excerpts of her research will also be shown on Instagram thealit_fkl.

Anngret Schultze Arbeitsauswahl

2021, performative Stadterkundungstour, Schwankhalle Bremen, erarbeitet im Kollektiv b/w*itch

In dem Projekt PRACTICAL_SPELL geht es um das Medium Sprache als Trägerin von Machtverhältnissen. Sprache schreibt sich ein – in Körper, in Städte, in Straßennamen, Brücken, Plätze, in Arten und Weisen des Zusammenkommens. PRACTICAL_SPELL verweist auf unerhörte Plätze, leitet FLINTA* sicher durch die Straßen und verhext gewohnte Perspektiven.


2021, Tanzfilm, Kraftwerk Bille Hamburg, Kollaboration mit Kim Dall’Armi

Chose your character – sex, desire, gender. I am presently the primary embodiment of that character, but anyone can be them, anyone who decides to pick up that mask, put it on and embody it with whatever energy they feel inspired to do it with. Organize your gender. Eine Illusion, die diskursiv aufrecht erhalten wird. I have a body. Can we ever not do gender?
Du hörst mich sagen: You’re part of the past, I’m part of the future. You get ready, I get dressed up. To go nowhere in particular. Here, I can begin to conceive new futurities, based on the crumbling foundation of the limited experience of the heteronormative. Contemplating about the forms the sexed body can inhabit.
Exhale. Breathe some life into a fantasy.

Who owns your body? Anatomy is fiction.
Let’s fuck things up.


2020, digitale Performance, MS Artville digital edition, Kollaboration mit Kattalin Mitxelena Newiger

Ein ‚echter Mann‘ zu sein ist für uns nicht von Interesse. Jede Idee von Echtheit ist gefärbt durch kulturelles Gewordensein. Wir entkoppeln Realness von biologistischen Ideen. Eine Verwerfung von Männlichkeit halten wir nicht für sinnvoll. Stattdessen entziehen wir sie einem binären, heteronormativen Zugriff und zelebrieren die Farce, das Spiel, das Verwischen, die Umdeutung, die Aneignung.