Welcome / Begrüßung
11:15 open discussion - the participants discuss their cyberfeminist positioning at the based on a quesionary / offene Diskussion die Teilnehmerinnen diskutieren ihre cyberfeministischen Positionierungen auf der Basis eines Fragebogens
13:00 Lunch Break / Mittagspause
14:00 Marie-Luise Angere - The Subject of Cyberfeminism?
15:00 Caroline Bassett - Self, Same, Cyborg?
16:00 Break / Pause
16:30 Anne-Marie Schleiner - Bad Girls in 3-D Land: Wishful Collecting in Cyberspace
17:30-18:30 Catherine Pelachaud - Modeling Gender Differences in Embodied Agents
11:00 Irina Aristarkhova - Virtual Chora: Cyberfeminist Ethics for the Matrix.
12:00 Faith Wilding - Becoming Autonomous
13:00 Lunch Break / Mitagspause
14:00 Cornelia Sollfrank - Not Every Hacker Is a Woman
15:00 Ulrike Bergermann - Find Replace
16:00 Verena Kuni - Fe/Male Troubles. Transgressions of / at Gendered Interfaces
17:00 Break / Pause
17:30 Marina Grzinic - A Theoretical-Political Positioning of Philosophy, Media and Cyberfeminism
18:30-19:30 Helene von Oldenburg - The Invention of Cyberfeminist Facts
10:00 Margaret Morse - Sisters Under Second Skins: Sensual Bonds and Virtual Worlds
11:00 Yvonne Volkart - Cyberfeminism: Fantasy and/or Method?
12:00 Lunch Break / Mittagspause
13:00 Claudia Reiche - Technics of Ambivalence and Telepresence
14:00 Andrea Sick - C< >F Virus
15:00-16:00 Final discussion / Abschlußdiskussion
sparkling wine and snacks / Sekt und Imbiss