
Share your answers, answer the questionary!

All answers are optional!

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The results will stay published on this website and discussed by the participants of the lab 'technics of cyber<>feminism <mode=message>'

> Are you a cyberfeminist?

>> Should cyberfeminism concentrate on art, theory or politics? Where can it achieve most? Where will it meet the most resistence?

>>> Is cyberfeminism masquerading?

>>>> Is cyberfeminism still in its beginning, or has it reached its final phase?

>>>>> Has your attitude towards cyberfeminism changed since the events of september 11th 2001?

What is your name?

What is Your e-mail address?

Please fIll in your answers from > to >>>>>. For better orientation:
Please indicate to which question you are answering right now, by including
the >, >>, >>> etc. signs first.
