Sissy Boyz. Queer Performance presents performance descriptions and analyses about the queer-feminist boy band, Sissy Boyz. Dan, Denniz, Joey, Mike and Steve have been using drag performance to express queer desire with humor on stage since 2002. The conceptual works of the artist group range between subversive art, activism, feminist propaganda, burlesque, and pubertal dreams. We have witnessed unexpected and startling video shootings in parking lots, autograph signings in shopping malls, unicorns with dildos on their head dancing on stages at ladyfests, and we have heard constant rumours about the latest band break up. Take That are just lame next to that. This book delivers a photo love story, performance scripts, and articles about masculinity, trans* and gender issues. Read first hand accounts of fights and intimate insights of autostigmatization. Get your fix with a hot and diagnostic dose of the “Ärzte ohne Ängste” (doctors without fear). Loads of facts and fiction about our cute boyz await you in these pages…
Damn… I wish the book were in English. Well. It´s not. But you can look at the hot´n´fun pictures!
With texts by Josch Hoenes, Gin Müller, Noah Munier, Rike Oehlerking, Claudia Reiche and others
Herausgeberin(nen): Sandra Ortmann, Martina Kock, Jana Katz, Andrea Sick, Claudia Reiche, Jana Schenk
Autorin(nen): Sissy Boyz, Josch Hoenes, Jana Katz, Martina Kock, Gin Müller, Julia Noah Munier, Rike Oehlerking, Sandra Ortmann, Claudia Reiche, Jana Schenk, Inga Weiland
queer lab
Queer Story, Brigitte Helbling
Träume Digitaler Schläfer, Anja Kümmel
Sissy Boyz. Queer Performance
Gründe gab es genug / causalities, Helene von Oldenburg/Claudia Reiche
Nervenkostüme und andere Unruhen, Therese Roth