Thursday, September 28 5.30pm Galerie Rabus
Dagmar Kase
Dreams in colour and merely borrowed thoughts: Mapping reality
What if we are all virtual, created by our own imagination? What if the whole world is in fact a cut-up? This seems probable, considering that we are always influenced by someone or something and that we are a symbiosis of ourselves and others.
It is fundamental for human beings to ask, “Where are we?” This has moved mankind to map everything – cities, landscapes, etc. We can even map dreams that are still virtual. Our thoughts and ideas, even the ones not (yet) realised, determine our landscapes, narratives and identities.
Reality borders upon the visions of the Dreamachine (Brion Gysin) that indicates the system and order of the world in everyday life – eyes closed or not. Everything begins with the meteorically rapid transit of infinite series of abstract elements.